Garden and Church Quilt Show 2023!

A HUGE thank you to all who attended the show yesterday! Despite the grey smoky skies, wind and a few raindrops, over 150 guests joined us! Having the quilts in the church showcased them beautifully under the gorgeous stained glass windows and rich wooden pews. Thank you to St Paul’s Church for opening their doors for this, AND for their fabulous luncheon! And thank you to the many donations to the Food bank and CANHAVE, and to those who donated books and/or purchased one!

The ONLY complaint we heard was how difficult it was to choose the Viewer’s Choice Award! Results are in:

1st: Jane Roszell’s ‘Walk in the Forest’

2nd: Carol Marshall’s ‘Rose of Sharon’

Third: Jane Roszell’s ‘Animal Friends’ and Grace Whiting’s ‘Cardinals’ (how appropriate!)

Also thank you to Arlene and Pat, our very talented wool applique artists in residence. Their creations are beyond words, their kindness and enthusiasm are infectious. Here is just a sample, please see the link below for more of their work!

And a big shout out to the many volunteers who spent the day helping at both venues. Without your enthusiasm and support, the show would not be possible. Take the day off today!


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